Abuse of power in the UK

Abuse of power is probably as old as the human race itself

Here we see a rubbing from the family shrine of King Jie

ruthless tyrannical ruler of ancient China

the king sitting on two women in a symbol of his power

Abuse of power has become increasingly widespread and wide-ranging in our society

The over-zealous, biased, or even prejudiced public official,
the unreasonable regulator with no regard for the rights of those they regulate,

the government minister who strikes fear into his department,

the man who sexually abuses the employees or students or sport apprentices over whom he has control.

These are not confined to nameless faceless officials

They include a prolific sexual abuser of medical students, systematic abuses of the process of law

by the Care Quality Commission, the dishonesty of regulatory authorities as to “exceptional circumstances”

a claim of ‘ministerial sovereignty’ by a holder of one of the great offices of state, and and an act of

gross corruption by a High Court judge at the Royal Courts of Justice in London

In preparation

Penalties for late filing of accounts

The abuse of the process of law as to the reasonable excuse

A £45.2m scam being perpetrated by Companies House


RF V Companies House (2024)

Application for judicial review submitted

Registration of the application refused  –  just 52 minutes after filing!

in an act of gross corruption by the Administrative Court Office

Resubmitted to the Lady Chief Justice – didn’t even bother to reply

It’s a ‘Litigant in Person’ thing

